Jason Mitchell

Results 14 issues of Jason Mitchell

Engines do not appear supported right now since the [currentPath](https://github.com/ebryn/ember-component-css/blob/master/addon/initializers/route-styles.js#L15) contains the prefix of the engine name. However, the podName manifest is keyed off the route name. For example, the...

`@pollyjs/preset-node` `@pollyjs/preset-browser` To abstract away setting up the persisters and adapters that are commonly available in each runtime. Will simplify the documentation on getting started.

enhancement ✨

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The issue is I have a docker container that we build once and deploy to many different environments, which have...


The docs aren't all that helpful, arguments should be explained more. Should reveal interfaces for objects passed as arguments to the service methods.


I need to bring back the monorepo strategy mainly to more easily support testing multiple dummy app strategies. * Future support for engine tests * The addon story * Translation...


A common pattern is surfacing validation errors after the user touched a field. It would be great if this state was stored on the validation object and flipped only when...

good first issue

Based on a quick grep of the codebase, `faker` is only used as a `devDependency` but is marked as a [`dependency`](https://github.com/prismicio/slice-machine/blob/453613bba838389299c607763e12db8344bf06f7/packages/slice-machine/package.json#L64) which means consumers of `slice-machine-ui` end up installing faker...
