Jason Kuhrt

Results 363 comments of Jason Kuhrt

Here is the commit where we switched away from `fs-jetpack` `find` https://github.com/prisma-labs/graphql-framework-experiment/commit/47b09117b36bba8a95a141d8a692574bcf7e5613

@szwacz yes I think that's it

Ah, I mistakenly thought this project was written in TypeScript, only now realizing it is just the spec modules. Rollup has trouble with this module ``` "use strict"; const jetpack...

Glad you like it @papb! We've been benefiting from this library on some work at [Prisma Labs](https://github.com/prisma-labs). Its good to at least know you're buying into the idea. Maybe our...

@maccman so how does Ace fare in the patterns @laverdet mentions? Say for a standard brochure site or fancy micro site ?

For starter's here is one implementation I've created recently myself (I wrote it in cs, not coco, and haven't really refactored yet): ``` copy: (obj)-> copied = {} for own...

I'm not sure I follow. ``` args = {height: 6, hair: \brown, ...args} ``` Does that mean flatten `args` into the enclosing object literal? And since it's at the end,...

The splat is nice. But would you still endorse the original impetus? It seems to me that the flexibility for either syntax serve slightly different intentions on the programmer's part....

If a full-proof implementation is not likely as you've pointed out then I totally agree. I appreciate the impetus to not be a framework. I assume you view features like...