Jason Kuhrt

Results 363 comments of Jason Kuhrt

@Weakky > we'll end up with the same API as Nexus Prisma V1 shown above I'm not sure how we end up being forced to go arrays though? Wouldn't it...

I realized a wrinkle in my OP, maybe some of you already saw this issue. Take this computed input (using the new API from OP): ```ts mutationType({ definition(t) { t.crud.createUser({...

> because we should not be suddenly removing layers of an API when exactly one relation remains enabled. That would be unintuitive and difficult to control, particularly given that the...

> I'd be happy to revert back to the more flexible "upfilter" implementation if you'd like and could rename it to "compact." However, the original feature was upfilterKey, not enable/disable...

For the name detail of `compact` vs `compaction` you seemed to have gravitated to `compact`. Sounds good to me.

> you could easily end up needing to disable all the others: When user specifies flags, there is no inheritance with the levels above. Everything becomes disabled. So the user...

I just realized today that TS doesn't (yet) have great excess property checking. [Example](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/?ssl=1&ssc=1&pln=28&pc=15#code/C4TwDgpgBAglC8UDeUCGAuAjFAvlAPsgEboBMehSAxugMw4CwAUM1QPYB2AzsGurAmTMofKJgA0wqCSilJTETSi1mOIA). Only [since 3.5](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-3-5-rc/#improved-excess-property-checks-in-union-types) was there any on discriminated unions even. What this means is that the...

@RafaelKr Yup exactly, this would be near term. Longer term I'm imagining it might be more like: ```ts mutationType({ definition(t) { t.crud.updateOneBlog({ editors: { // editors is the "relationField" connect:...

# Current Spec ### Level 1: Defaults Example ```ts nexusPrismaPlugin({ capabilities: { create: true, connect: false, }, }); ``` **Goal** Set the default performable mutative operations **Solution** Toggle mutative operations...

@Akxe a bit off topic so feel free to open a [discussion](https://github.com/graphql-nexus/nexus/discussions) about it. Its technically possible. But the current approach makes use of the benefits of being a "dynamic...