Please use /mt hand names On Nov 23, 2016 10:15 PM, "Coopj121" [email protected] wrote: > no i have the item names as a tooltip whenever i hover over the item...
No, shouldn't be that, try using the actual item names instead of assigning them to a var? On Nov 23, 2016 10:28 PM, "Coopj121" [email protected] wrote: > could it be...
The fluid name with spaces wouldn't be an issue here, from what I can tell he is trying to change the display name, which there is no code for currently....
Need more info, like a log?
While this is a nifty idea, it would require a change to the IUndoableAction, that means that mods will need to update, and modtweaker isn't updating 1.7.10 anymore.
possible will work on it later :)
The brewing stand currently has no api, and lex did not want to add the api because "it is not maintenance". but yea Mob drops are hopefully coming.
When I looked into it, it couldn't find an easy way to remove brewing recipes, mainly the vanilla ones, has that changed? On Nov 21, 2016 1:36 PM, "ZaBi94" [email protected]...
Uh @3tusk, congrats! You are the first person that I have seen that has tried to use java in zenscript :P What you are trying is how a mod would...