
Results 51 comments of jarble

I'll try to make this translator available as a node.js module. I'll need to refactor it first.

Which issues do you have with browsers, specifically? Is it with Chrome, Firefox, or another browser?

Universal-transpiler can already translate a small subset of Lua to JavaScript. See [here](https://jarble.github.io/transpiler/javascript/js_transpiler/test_parser.html#%7B%22inputText%22%3A%22%5Cnfunction%20divide(a%2Cb)%20%5Cn%20%20%20%20return%20a%2Fb%5Cnend%22%2C%22inputLang%22%3A%22lua%22%2C%22outputLang%22%3A%22javascript%22%7D), for example.

Universal-transpiler only works with a small subset of JavaScript. It is able to translate simple mathematical functions and predicates into many languages, but it is not yet able to translate...

Universal-transpiler is compatible with SWI-Prolog. Which Prolog interpreter are you using?

The latest version works correctly on Windows and Ubuntu. Which operating system are you using?

I am using the latest version on Windows 10 and it runs correctly. Is input.txt saved in the same folder as universal-transpiler.pl on your machine?

You might be using an outdated version of universal-transpiler. Try using the latest version: when you open `universal-transpiler.pl` it should show a prompt like this one: ``` Edit the source...

I made another update to the system now; the latest version will print the output in several languages after the console is opened.

You need to extract the folder in order to use universal-transpiler. Did you extract the files before opening `universal-transpiler.pl`?