
Results 51 comments of jarble

@Mingun I have some grammar files that need to be converted to Peggy grammars, but they all use regular expressions. Regular expressions are supported in many other parser generators (ANTLR,...

@Rakshak1344 You can [use JavaScript libraries in Dart](https://codeburst.io/how-to-use-javascript-libraries-in-your-dart-applications-e44668b8595d), so it should be possible to use Nearley in this package.

@tjvr, @kach How is it possible to add rules to the grammar at runtime? I haven't found this feature in Nearley's documentation, but it would be a very useful feature...

Would it be possible to make this grammar rule "context-sensitive" using a [postprocessor](https://github.com/kach/nearley/blob/master/docs/md/grammar.md#Postprocessors)?

One of my goals is to solve [Zhegalkin polynomials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhegalkin_polynomial), which are Boolean formulas written in terms of modular arithmetic.

I found [another implementation](https://zero123.cs.columbia.edu/) that generates 3D models from images; it uses Stable Diffusion, but not Stable-DreamFusion.

@cyderize and @guidotack This error still appears in the MiniZinc playground. Has it not been updated to the latest version?

@Dekker1 Now a different error appears when running this model using the COIN-BC solver: `MiniZinc: flattening error: variable X_INTRODUCED_19_ needs finite bounds for linearisation. Or, use indicator constraints. Current domain...

@kevodwyer Is it possible to load `.exe` files in Boxedwine from a URL, instead of manually adding them to the root file system?

@testitem Transpiler-generator isn't finished yet, but there are [several other ways](http://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/18219/automated-way-to-port-javascript-to-c/18222) to automatically convert JavaScript programs into C or C++.