This concerns the [issue-pane](https://github.com/solid/issue-pane). Maybe an idea to make it bit more obvious that there is data, could be to change the default selected tab by reordering the tabs. Maybe...
I tried with another session and it seems to work now. I cannot say what changed. Please close or leave open – your decision.
I've tried again. In Safari I get the issue described above. In Chrome it works as expected.
I don't think so. My friend list is not empty and if I try to add you using Safari I get the same error as above:
Same thing on the “Edit your profile” page. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26876570/110004387-acb20600-7d17-11eb-90e1-81ed7bd519f0.mov
> For anyone interested, in previous versions it did act the way you want it to, you can see in a [thing I made](https://shifter.surge.sh) ([repo](https://github.com/braden337/shifter/blob/master/src/index.html)) which uses `"vuejs-datepicker": "^0.9.29"`. >...