**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] 기능 요청이 특정 문제에...
**Describe the solution you'd like** [DELETE THIS LINE] A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. [DELETE THIS LINE] 어떤 기능이 있으면 좋겠는지 자세히 설명해주세요. Can i...
Hi juliafeec. first, Thank you for sharing your code. I re-downloaded ".yml" file but I have error. `Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jc/PycharmProjects/isbi2017-part1-master/segment.py", line 170, in rescale_mask=rescale_mask, use_hsv=use_hsv, remove_mean_samplewise=remove_mean_samplewise)...
Hi. juliafeec. Thank you for your source code. I try to run this code. There are many errors and troubles to me. eventually, I run this code I run this...
안녕하세요! 강의 잘 듣고 있습니다. 여쭤볼게 있어서 이슈 남깁니다~! https://github.com/jangjichang/notification-api/blob/master/app/main.py conf를 import 할 때 강의처럼 `from app.common.config import conf` 하면 에러가 나고요 error> `Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/jangjichang/Workspace/notification-api/app/main.py",...