Jamie Brynes

Results 18 issues of Jamie Brynes

@jamiebrynes7 I can now see the context menu on mobile but "Open task in Todoist" doesn't do anything on iOS. However, I can complete tasks via the context menu. _Originally...

🐛 bug

Despite the claims of [Todoist's API docs](https://developer.todoist.com/rest/v1/#get-active-tasks) it seems there are some unsupported filter keywords. This ticket tracks these as we run into them, I'll also report it to Todoist...


**Affects:** Release v0.1.4 and up --- #### Description Building a worker in the FPS Starter Project for Linux throws errors when compiling the `Hidden/PostProcessing/FinalPass` shader. #### Workaround This error is...

T: bug
A: art
S: known-issue

**Affects:** Release v0.1.4 and up **Internal Ticket:** [UTY-1648](https://improbableio.atlassian.net/browse/UTY-1648) --- #### Description The FPS Starter Project does not run on the iOS Simulator due to an incompatibility between the Metal Graphics...

S: known-issue

**Affects:** Release v0.1.4 and up **Internal Ticket:** [UTY-1592](https://improbableio.atlassian.net/browse/UTY-1592) --- #### Description Running the FPS Starter Project in the Unity Editor with the **current platform** set as Android leads to the...

T: bug
A: art
S: known-issue

I noticed on a PR (https://github.com/jamiebrynes7/spatialos-sdk-rs/pull/136) that GitHub actions was reporting that the Clippy step was failing, but no errors were being reported. After turning on debug output, each clippy...

**Affects:** Release v0.2.4 and up **Internal Ticket:** [UTY-2120](https://improbableio.atlassian.net/browse/UTY-2120) --- #### Description Worker flags are not available immediately after connecting due to the underlying ops not being processed yet. #### Workaround...

T: bug
A: core
S: known-issue

**Affects:** Release v0.2.2 and up **Internal Ticket:** [UTY-2046](https://improbableio.atlassian.net/browse/UTY-2046) --- #### Description The Deployment Launcher Window throws a NRE with a stack trace similar to the following: ``` NullReferenceException: Object reference...

T: bug
S: known-issue
A: deployment-launcher

A feature that has repeatedly come up in PR reviews and discussions has been allowing users to replace the default generated code or opt out entirely and pass in raw...

✨ feature