James Pack
James Pack
This seems to be an issue with the highlighter and not the Regex. If you put a space after the string and add your letters and then delete the space...
I actually spent quite a bit of time looking at this one. I was never able to find where the actual issue is. I know for sure it’s not an...
I had a very similar issue but a different exception. It doesnt happen when I use the tip of the repo.
System.Exception: Error executing 'Microsoft.Templates.Core.PostActions.Catalog.Merge.MergePostAction'. Related template: ts.WinUI.Proj.Default. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: There is no merge target for file 'C:\dev\TemplateStudio\code\TemplateStudioForUWP\Templates\Ft\3DLauncher\App_postaction.xaml.cs'. Related Template: 'ts.WinUI.Proj.Default'. at Microsoft.Templates.Core.PostActions.Catalog.Merge.MergePostAction.HandleFileNotFound(String originalFilePath, String suffix) at Microsoft.Templates.Core.PostActions.PostAction.Execute() --- End of...
I may take a stab at this one if that is ok.
Adding text is easy enough.
Happy to PR it if you are good with that verbiage
Ok PR opened.
Proposal: Add WinRT APIs to create Windows.System.DispatcherQueueController on current thread easily
A simpler API for this would be great. You guys have a much better chance at getting the options right then we do. As an example, the [documentation ](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dispatcherqueue/nf-dispatcherqueue-createdispatcherqueuecontroller) for...
I may take a stab at this if nobody is working it.