**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** would be nice to have a grep search of some sort that would look through the names of flashcards. This...
## Expected Behavior declaring css colors as variables shouldn't throw an error. ## Current Behavior on save of styles.css (shown below) an error is thrown. The file 'C:\Users\mcraf\.yasb\styles.css' contains Syntax...
I am a complete noob to neovim scripting, and am not sure if this is because I am using this wrong, but it is maddening when I go to save...
After Exiting niri with quit action, will be taken back to lightdm. and relogging gives me a black screen that looks like a terminal but I can't input anything, have...
specifically Discord isn't responding to clicks, Idk if this has something to do with the coordinate system on niri or what. If this seems to be a niri issue I...
### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### What happened? Documentation for grouping is outdated. ### What did you expect to...