bufferline.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bufferline.nvim copied to clipboard

[Bug]: attempt to index field 'filename' (a nil value)

Open jamesonBradfield opened this issue 5 months ago • 0 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • [X] I have searched the existing issues

What happened?

Documentation for grouping is outdated.

What did you expect to happen?

expected the code snippet to give tab grouping, instead get a warning that filename isn't used anymore and should use id.


return {
  -- using lazy.nvim
    lazy = false,
    version = '*',
    dependencies = 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons',
    config = function()
      bufferline = require 'bufferline'
      bufferline.setup {
        options = {
          mode = 'buffers',
          style_preset = bufferline.style_preset.sloped,
          separator_style = 'slant',
          themable = true,
					groups = {
						options = {
							toggle_hidden_on_enter = true -- when you re-enter a hidden group this options re-opens that group so the buffer is visible
						items = {
								name = "Godot", -- Mandatory
								highlight = {underline = true, sp = "blue"}, -- Optional
								priority = 2, -- determines where it will appear relative to other groups (Optional)
								icon = "", -- Optional
								matcher = function(buf) -- Mandatory
									return buf.id.name:match('%.cs') or buf.id.name:match('%.gdscript')
								name = "Neovim",
								highlight = {undercurl = true, sp = "green"},
								auto_close = false,  -- whether or not close this group if it doesn't contain the current buffer
								priority = 1,
								icon = "",
								matcher = function(buf)
									return buf.id:match('%.lua') or buf.id:match('%.vim')
								separator = { -- Optional
									style = require('bufferline.groups').separator.tab

			{desc = "[t]ab [d]elete"}),
		-- vim.keymap.set("n","<leader>tg",
		-- 	function()
		-- 		vim.cmd("bd")
		-- 	end,
		-- 	{desc = "[t]ab [d]elete"})

Additional Information



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jamesonBradfield avatar Sep 04 '24 19:09 jamesonBradfield