James Kerr

Results 115 comments of James Kerr

What is the extensions for the files you'd like to be transformed? I'm using typescript and I specifically need to add an "extensions" key to my config. This worked for...

It looks like the defaults are ` [ '.js', '.jsx', '.es', '.es6', '.mjs' ]`

If you want to cancel an animation with only the animation instance, I wrote a function that will gather all the targets, to then call `anime.remove` on each one. However,...

I'm guessing the reason none of the "app.mainProcess.on(event, listener)" work is because the arguments are being serialized and sent to the electron process. And functions can't be serialized. However, the...

I just ran into this as well. I loved brunch but it looks like it's not being maintained to the level I'm comfortable with. I switched from brunch to webpack....

Thanks for the quick response @josevalim . I just took a look at Phoenix master and found code very similar to what I just setup today. That's encouraging. I'll be...

I too am experiencing this same error on a centos:8 docker container. ``` /usr/bin/docker exec 1ac4a3ce3754dfaeeb0c7d6f38d7328f4d0621d78d43bf54890ebd4ab7adea87 sh -c "cat /etc/*release | grep ^ID" ##[error]Parameter 'commandLine' cannot be null or empty....

Is the issue that on Centos 8 containers, `await io.which("gzip")` is returning an empty string? Then when that empty string is passed to `exec.exec()` we get that argument error? https://github.com/denolib/setup-deno/blob/482dc739be8628399f8b04bd11876f7d9a24f625/src/installer.ts#L193-L194