@gvwilson I think there was some confusion over what the follow up points are that lead from state updates being asynchronous
@gvwilson This is related to the smart/dumb component dynamic with whether or not the to do list component should be querying the store directly or have that list be passed...
It would be nice if there were some way to draw the arrows in live. There's a bit of information overload with arrows going in different directions
Does this information belong in the book? I think it's a good strategy to use this approach while training but I dont think it really belongs in the online materials....
Thoughts on using JSPM? In browser transpilation makes it easier to understand and debug which is especially useful for learning devs who will make more mistakes. Pros: - no overhead...
Putting this on hold for now as this requires a discussion involving several people. Please see this PR for a sample setup https://github.com/rangle/angular-training-examples/pull/32