James Brink

Results 17 comments of James Brink

I am facing the same issue, looks like there is some kind of limitation of 30 static routes that can be pushed to clients.

@Cartoonman I really like what you've done. I am always struggling to find time to work on this stuff, if you are interested here are some other things you might...

To run your own registry server simply use https://distribution.github.io/distribution/ Quick example of running locally: ```shell docker run -d -p 5001:5000 --name registry registry:2 ollama cp llama2 localhost:5001/jamesbrink/llama2 ollama push localhost:5001/jamesbrink/llama2...

Regarding this comment: https://github.com/ollama/ollama/issues/2388#issuecomment-1989307410 @bmizerany is there any chance you guys could open source some of your backend? I am sure it's probably not hard to implement something like this...

@webermarcolivier it's from `xmlrpclib ` ```from xmlrpclib import Transport, GzipDecodedResponse``` Thanks for this solution @brupelo !

@doomspork, @urkl I will take this on. I just briefly looked at babry (https://github.com/toretore/barby) which is the ruby library that generates the actual barcodes through imagemagick. I suspect I will...

tisk tisk tisk.. if you're gonna own it then OWN IT. :rofl: @doomspork I can take on some of this while I work on #66 if you like.

I don't think you need to make any changes to the Dockerfile as it already exposes port 3000. If you are running nginx on your local host you can probably...

@chovy let me know if the above works for you, if not please give some additional details on your environment.

I am not sure how to setup mailgun, but I just took some time to update this repo, so you might want to pull the new changes. I setup the...