barcoded copied to clipboard
Text bellow image
Is it possible to show text bellow some codes?
Howdy @urkl! This is not yet supported but @jamesbrink is going to take a look at adding the feature for you 👍
Wow, this really is a great news.
@urkl if you'd like to take a whack at it I don't think @jamesbrink would mind, in fact I'm sure he'd be happy to help 😁
@doomspork, @urkl I will take this on. I just briefly looked at babry ( which is the ruby library that generates the actual barcodes through imagemagick. I suspect I will be extending that in addition to barcoded. If i remember right we had to fix a handful of issues in that library when we created barcoded as well.
Is their any particular symbology either of you can recommend I start with? It looks like each barcode will have a different font and character mapping. Just a quick search I came across a few references such as
I think we need to update the docs again as well with usage examples to actually use the service, the demo page is no longer working :( I had to read through spec tests to remember how to use it hah.