James Birtles

Results 7 issues of James Birtles

https://github.com/rbuckton/reflect-metadata/issues/52 Something related to returning something, possibly property descriptors? needs investigation


If you have children inside an anchor, then they get taken as the event.target and therefore the link hijacking this library does fails. e.g. ```svelte Some Text Some more text...

### Describe the bug Originally posted over on sveltekit https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/issues/10940 As mentioned there using yoga in sveltekit since 1.27.1 results in: ``` Error: Invalid response from route /graphql: handler should...


Trying to make an infinite scrolling list using this, but when at the bottom and I add more items, the list can't be scrolled further down without first scrolling back...


Building mmids requires openssl to build making it a bit more annoying to build when you don't want/need tls support. It would be nice if tls was an optional feature,...

**Describe the bug** `onSelectedChange` for Select builder is always called with the same value for `curr` and `next` when using as a multi select. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the...
