Jason Madden

Results 153 comments of Jason Madden

gevent has limited support for multiprocessing. [Anything using multiprocessing.Queue](http://www.gevent.org/api/gevent.monkey.html#gevent.monkey.patch_thread) for example, will hang. Raw use of `multiprocessing.Process` is about all that's supported.

gevent monkey-patches `fork`, and I thought (i'm the gevent maintainer) `multiprocessing.Process` to automatically re-init in child processes; there's also loop-level functions that watch for forks (IIRC, been awhile since I...

> SSLContext is available to python 2.7 To share some experience from gevent, where this has been somewhat painful: SSLContext is available in Python 2.7.9 and above, *or* where backported...

@ChrisXiaoShu The stack trace you posted tells us that this specific socket object has been explicitly closed at the Python level (that's when gevent uses its `_dummy` to generate the...

The variety of things that `_normalizeargs` accepts makes this a complicated problem, especially since it's involved at import time and we don't want to slow that down. Perhaps a simple...

Can you please clarify what you mean by "subscribe to async event handlers"?

`notify` isn't defined here, that's over in [`zope.event`](https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.event/blob/f50e83f424da23d5f58a808b0b3c0b837b24eba9/src/zope/event/__init__.py#L28). Because it wouldn't be backwards compatible, and because it still supports versions of Python that don't have `async def/await` I would imagine...

> zope.location is being hit with zopefoundation/zope.proxy#41, which is the same issue zope.container recently fixed (`Provides(cls, providedBy(proxy)`) fails when `cls` and `proxy` overlap incompatibly in their orders). It makes me...

I'm not sure how that would work for a group project like this. I looked into it just a bit for one of my projects, and they appear to want...

> A ZODB Connection (or a thread) does not use any file descriptor (what may use file descriptors is the ZODB Storage from which Connections get data, and the number...