Jason Madden

Results 153 comments of Jason Madden

> Regarding the way you fetch has_enough_funds, I would assume that methods aren't saved to the db (are transient) by default, so that could be safely removed. Nope. Methods go...

> there could he an AIODB class, perhaps? Individual persistent objects talk to an [`IPersistentDataManager`](https://github.com/zopefoundation/persistent/blob/master/persistent/interfaces.py#L359) implementation stored in their `_p_jar` (as in "pickle jar") to save and retrieve their state....

> Of course they go through getattribute, just don't know whether ZODB pickles them... It seems wasteful to pickle the functions when they are provided by the code Sure, usually,...

They're you're getting into the descriptor protocol, which is somewhat complex (functions themselves are non-data descriptors, which is how they implement binding; a `@classmethod` just wraps a different descriptor around...

> Even the recent enhancements to the RelStorage local cache don't seem to help that much based on my experience with a RelStorage app running 2.1a2. It's gotten *much* better...

> It's gotten much better in the 3.0 series (details below). Right, those details. So 2.1's persistent cache turned out to do OK if you only had one process writing...

`TmpStore` is an object that the `Connection` uses when it has been asked to make a `savepoint()`. If you then attempt to `begin()` a new (non-explicit) transaction *without* aborting or...

Definitely keep it. We make use of it to log load and store counts and record those statistics to statsd and maybe other things I'm forgetting. We currently have our...

I gather that at least sometimes [some others](http://bluebream.zope.org/doc/1.0/faq.html#id74) found it useful too. Although they have perhaps not been maintained 😄 . (And perhaps this is another exmple of existing functionality...

> haha zc.zodbactivitylog Which turns out to be remarkably like our own solution. I honestly don't think I'd come across it until now. Great minds think alike, as they say,...