Results 10 comments of Jason

@mikofski I'm brand new to pvmismatch and this is the exact module architecture I'd like to model. I'm in the process of trying wrap my head around the various cellpos...

Brilliant, thanks!

@DS-Sagar I don't use autocad but you might find my reply to this issue useful:

Thanks Silvana My workflow for going from oct file to png is: rvu -> rpict -> pcond -> pfilt -> ra_tiff -> [convert]( In detail: 1. Use rvu to view...

> Can I perhaps use one of this images to show what's possible in the tutorial tomorrow? I'll give you attribution if you want! @shirubana Sure thing!

I actually started working on this a while ago but got sidetracked and never finished it. I added an antimatter material to create a cavity on the back surface of...

My method doesn't create a new material for the frame, instead it makes the module deeper and then carves out some of the module material on the back. So the...

@shirubana I finished my implementation of the module frames. I discovered that rtrace was giving me bad results when the sensors were located inside an antimatter volume, so I ended...

@shaca40 For the posts I created a function that calls [genprism]( with a list of xy coordinates that defines the H shape and extrudes it in the z direction to...

@pulkit880 @DamienJaffre I've had good luck using [dxf2rad]( If you can export your obj as dxf this may also work for you. Here's an example using a very simple model...