bifacial_radiance copied to clipboard
Support for trackers with multiple mounting rails
There are a number of trackers on the market that use two or more parallel rails (commonly called purlins) instead of a single torque tube. Examples:
For my purposes I have added support for these tracker mounting structures by modifying makeModule()
to add some arguments as well as three new "tube" cross sections:
numtubes : int
Number of torque tubes.
tubespacing: float
Distance in meters between tubes in y direction.
tubetype : str
Options: 'Square', 'Round' (default), 'Hex', 'Oct', 'Rect', 'Z', or 'C'. Tube cross section.
tubeydim : float
Tube y dimension, for rect, z, or c section tubes only. For other tube shapes use diameter.
tubezdim : float
Tube z dimension, for rect, z, or c section tubes only. For other tube shapes use diameter.
@cdeline I'd be happy create a pull request if this is something you'd like to consider officially supporting. My code passes the current tests in the dev branch but some new tests should probably be added to cover additional permutations. I haven't looked at what it would take to add this functionality to the GUI.
Here are some sample configurations with makeModule()
arguments listed at the bottom of the images.
1-up with 2 C section purlins:
1-up with 2 Z section purlins:
2-up landscape with 3 rectangle section purlins:
This is both awesome and beautiful!
How did you do those renders? I must know!
Thanks Jason
Thanks Silvana
My workflow for going from oct file to png is: rvu -> rpict -> pcond -> pfilt -> ra_tiff -> convert
In detail:
Use rvu to view the oct file
rvu 1axis_07_01_08.oct
to move around, zoom in/out, etc save a view file withview render.vf
Run rpict to render the image to hdr. This is the time consuming step. It takes between 30 and 90 minutes depending on how complex the geometry is.
rpict -x 4800 -y 4800 -i -aa 0 -ar 170 -ab 4 -ad 250 -as 230 -ps 2 -dj 0.7 -pj 1 -vf render.vf 1axis_07_01_08.oct > render.hdr
Run pcond to mimic human visual response:
pcond -h render.hdr > render.pcond.hdr
Resize and adjust exposure with pfilt
pfilt -e +0.2 -x /4 -y /4 render.pcond.hdr > render.pcond.pfilt.hdr
Convert hdr to tif
ra_tiff render.pcond.pfilt.hdr render.tif
Convert tif to png with imagemagick convert utility
convert render.tif render.png
Annotate the image with convert
convert render.png -fill black -gravity South -annotate +0+5 'Created with NREL bifacial_radiance' render_annotated.png
I have a bash script that automates all of this so I can just feed it an oct file and come back later to view a rendered png.
Files for reference:
Thank you so much!! I'll try this soon.
Can I perhaps use one of this images to show what's possible in the tutorial tomorrow? I'll give you attribution if you want!
Can I perhaps use one of this images to show what's possible in the tutorial tomorrow? I'll give you attribution if you want!
@shirubana Sure thing!
Amazing stuff!
Hello Jason,
It's been a while on this thread and looking back we never answered you --- yes, if you'd like to contribute by doing that PR this is deffinitely something we'd like to include on our next release :)
Thank you