Jakub Zalas

Results 88 comments of Jakub Zalas

@gjuric I don't have the capacity to work on this at the moment, so feel free to take over! I'll be happy to review your POC too.

@gjuric looks like they won't support it "by design". All's left is to wait and see what kind of support PHPUnit will get for real annotations.

There's one more thing to check. In the past, I played with AOP to do similar kind of injections. However, with PHPUnit it wasn't possible as AOP frameworks usually hook...

Perhaps the new event system will somehow enable this: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/4676

I'd drop support for PHP 5.3-7.1 and hhvm in the same time. 5.3-7.1 support is a tagged release already, so users who are still on legacy versions are covered.

Just noticed 3.3.0 phar is also missing as well as the gpg key: ``` $ phive install --target ./tools/ composer-require-checker Warning: composer-require-checker 3.3.0: No downloadable PHAR Downloading https://github.com/maglnet/ComposerRequireChecker/releases/download/3.2.0/composer-require-checker.phar Downloading https://github.com/maglnet/ComposerRequireChecker/releases/download/3.2.0/composer-require-checker.phar.asc...

Re phpmd i've done the work: https://github.com/jakzal/phpmd/pull/1 However, I haven't submitted an upstream PR yet, as I'm not sure if project has an active maintainer: https://github.com/phpmd/phpmd/issues/603

> Whenever I run "vendor/behat/behat/bin/behat", is it the same if you run `vendor/bin/behat` ?

Behat [is tested this way itself](https://github.com/Behat/Behat/blob/master/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php). It leverages the Symfony's Process component.