Jakub Zalas

Results 88 comments of Jakub Zalas

It's hard to include every possible extension without bloating the image. Someone's always going to have that one additional dependency to add. Currently, the quickest way to include your project's...

Everyone has a different opinion on what "standard extensions" are. In my view the standard image should only contain bare minimum that everyone needs. I'm open to having another version...

Alpine images are based on the php alipine image: https://github.com/jakzal/phpqa/blob/master/alpine/Dockerfile#L2

PlantUML is distributed as a jar. We'd need to include a java distribution as well. Isn't it too much?

That would slow down each run significantly. I haven't tested it, but if your really want to do it you could mount the entrypoint to override it (or use `--entrypoint`...

Another option is of course to extend this image. I'd be interested to know how much more space the image would consume with plantuml and java installed (probably ~120MB).

I'd argue that tests using the kernel/container should be rare. Each test should start with a clean state to be reliable. However, I understand on some codebases there's no other...

Not entirely what you're after, but maybe it will give you some ideas. Some time ago I was playing with the idea of initialising bundle configs per test case: https://github.com/jakzal/bundle-test

> Why did you archived your project? Did you find a better alternative? The only reason is I stopped developing bundles. I believe that my bundle-test was the most flexible...

@gjuric yes, I'm afraid this extension will stop working in PHPUnit 10 due to BC incompatible changes in PHPUnit.