Jakub Zalas

Results 23 issues of Jakub Zalas

Instead of: ``` namespace Acme\Tests; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Zalas\BundleTest\PHPUnit\ConfigurableKernel; class FooTest extends TestCase { use ConfigurableKernel; public function testItEnablesTheFooService() { $this->givenEnvironment('foo_test') ->givenDebugIsEnabled() ->givenBundleIsEnabled(new FooBundle()) ->givenBundleConfiguration('foo', ['enabled' => true, 'bar' =>...

``` You are running PHP CS Fixer v2, which is not maintained anymore. Please update to v3. You may find an UPGRADE guide at https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/v3.3.0/UPGRADE-v3.md . If you need help...

help wanted

``` [WARNING] The format and default location of the depfile have changed. If you have already changed this, then you can ignore this warning. Otherwise please: * Update your depfile...

help wanted

Release process is already automated with: ```bash make release ``` The command has been tested over the past months. We can now start triggering it automatically on a regular basis.

see https://github.com/jakzal/phpqa/issues/324#issuecomment-984451843

```php #[Env('FOO', 'bar')] class ExampleTest extends TestCase { #[ Env('APP_ENV', 'foo'), Env('APP_DEBUG', '0'), Server('APP_ENV', 'bar'), Server('APP_DEBUG', '1')], PutEnv('APP_HOST', 'localhost') ] public function test_global_variables() { $this->assertSame('bar', $_ENV['FOO']); $this->assertSame('foo', $_ENV['APP_ENV']); $this->assertSame('0', $_ENV['APP_DEBUG']);...

help wanted

``` You are running PHP CS Fixer v2, which is not maintained anymore. Please update to v3. You may find an UPGRADE guide at https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/v3.3.0/UPGRADE-v3.md . If you need help...

help wanted

``` [WARNING] The format and default location of the depfile have changed. If you have already changed this, then you can ignore this warning. Otherwise please: * Update your depfile...

help wanted

Following the README: ``` docker-compose up -d mvn clean package java -jar target/xoom-iddd-agilepm-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ```` ```bash curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/products \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary @-

While all tests are passing, the xoom-eventjournal example fails to start: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at io.vlingo.xoom.actors.Stage.actorFor(Stage.java:485) at io.vlingo.xoom.actors.Stage.actorFor(Stage.java:106) at io.vlingo.xoom.actors.Stage.actorFor(Stage.java:95) at io.vlingo.xoom.symbio.store.journal.Journal.using(Journal.java:76) at io.vlingo.xoom.examples.eventjournal.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:51) 13:12:43.853 [pool-2-thread-5] ERROR...