Rob Jagger
Rob Jagger
Cannot validate error using module 0.61.8 and SSC US
Issue is resolved on current release. This is a request to return to powershell 5 compatibility so the module can be called from within secret server again.
the best solution would be to change from `exposeForDisplay` to `notExposedForDisplay` as it keeps with the secret server wording, but removes the backwards meaning.
Ability to access "Generate One Time Password" functionality via new get-tssSecretTotpCode function?
Function name would be get-tssSecretTotpCode
@deickhoff please provide output examples for get-tssuser and update-tssuser with -verbose enabled per question 3
User class missing platformServiceUser
Unable to reproduce behavior with v1.0 of SDK in v0.61.3 ``` c:\...\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\Thycotic.SecretServer\0.61.3\bin\ClientSdk> .\tss.exe version ```