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Ability to access "Generate One Time Password" functionality via new get-tssSecretTotpCode function?
Summarize Functionality
As seen here:
...we have secrets setup with TOTP's and are able to use them via the WebUI but I'm not sure if it's accessible via the API. If not, can you help push to get that added? If it is added, can you please point me in the right direction to accomplish it manually/REST direct? And/or can it be added to this fine module you have here?
Is this a wrapper command that will utilize current commands already in the module?
Is this a command based on a REST API endpoint?
Is the endpoint only found in a specific version of Secret Server
Technical Details
Is there any way to retrieve the MFA programmatically? Please consider adding it, let me know if you have any questions or need any more info...thanks!
I've been able to find/confirm this is available at /api/v1/one-time-password-code/$secretId
Function name would be get-tssSecretTotpCode