Jackson Ludwig

Results 12 issues of Jackson Ludwig

I noticed the following error occur after performing a yank immediately after moving using lightspeed. I have noticed it quite consistently if I jump while in visual mode then yank...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42984254/98595456-03488f80-22a4-11eb-9d3d-caa158f90fbd.png) When using python with the pyright lsp, I noticed that when I hover over a completion item that has a doc associated with it, the popup goes across my...

I may be wrong, but according to evil mode's instructions, an undo package should be installed to correctly simulate vim's undo (undo-fu, undo-tree, or emacs 28's undo-redo). Just a ``(use-package...

**Describe the bug** When triggering ``lsp-execute-code-action`` on code while the cursor is on an operator, e.g. ``->`` or ``.``, there is an internal error from the language server. I think...

Ran into an interesting issue. When using evil mode's smart-case search/replace, buffer content's are "corrupted"/out of date if tree-sitter highlighting is enabled. Here is reproducible example (tested on emacs 28...

In `js-mode` in a file with `jsx`, this is how the highlighting appears when manually activating `tree-sitter-hl-mode`: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42984254/115914729-56706200-a440-11eb-824a-f82f011cf1e6.png) And this is how it appears when using the hook from the...


Hello. I frequently use eslint as my formatter using its "fix all" command after hooking it up to prettier with `eslint-config-prettier` and `eslint-plugin-prettier`. Is it possible to achieve the same...

The theme should just change the color theme by default, in my opinion. Changing font size especially doesn't make much sense as the font size is going to be either...

I was confused as to actually generate getters/setters that I wanted with the associated code action. Currently it seems you can only escape out of the menu to confirm your...

Using nvim lsp + completion + diagnostics, things seem to work fine expect for warnings from diagnostics. For example, when using rust-analyzer and importing something I don't use, I get...