Jackson Ludwig

Results 19 comments of Jackson Ludwig

@katsika would you mind sharing you config with how to do this correctly? I am trying to integrate coc as well, and I have seen https://github.com/tjdevries/express_line.nvim/issues/34#issuecomment-717986807 but I am confused...

@katsika thanks, it did.

FWIW, I got this error until I updated to the latest neovim master.

I also can confirm that this bug is still a thing. It counts users in voice chat twice.

Hopefully this isn't pointless to add, however I also believe I have the same issue of neovide misdetecting my neovim version. The logs end this way: ``` DEBUG [neovide::bridge::command] Starting...

I had this issue on linux. For me, the issue was that the `python_cmd` default is `python`, whereas my python executable is named `python3`. Switching it to `python3` allows things...

I just set my `python_cmd` back to the default to try to make the error happen again but it did not. Is there some sort of cache or something? I...

Removing diagnostic-nvim from the on-attach did indeed allow visual text _errors_ to appear, but not warnings. I know rust-analyzer supplies these features but maybe it's doing something weird.

@mjlbach when you say not to let tree-sitter install parsers, do you mean don't do stuff like `:TSInstall x` in neovim, and instead install the desired parsers as you have...