Jack Kemmish
Jack Kemmish
Hi there, I am using the light prop to return the Vimeo thumbnail which works fine. It is returning a small thumbnail rather than a high res one and was...
### Check that this is really a bug - [X] I confirm ### Reproduction link https://codepen.io/jackkemm/pen/gOEyEKx ### Bug description I am wanting to loop a carousel when slides are more...
## 📝 Provide detailed reproduction steps (if any) I am trying to add a `div` block with a class when highlighting some text. I'm using Silverstripe so the integration is...
Hi there, I have a few questions I hope someone can help with. I am looking to make the canvas taller, and want to make sure the globe is positioned...
Hi there, I've been digging around the code in the repo and wondering if it's possible to override your `createGlowMesh` function to have less of a glow effect, and rather...
Hi there, I see there's been a little talk on the collapsable menu option, but after installing it's not showing. I can see it's commented out here [https://github.com/Rhym/silverstripe-cms-theme/blob/44a15b6a071bd36c57d0a72ecb0e3d141e5a86d0/templates/SilverStripe/Admin/Includes/LeftAndMain_Menu.ss#L13](https://github.com/Rhym/silverstripe-cms-theme/blob/44a15b6a071bd36c57d0a72ecb0e3d141e5a86d0/templates/SilverStripe/Admin/Includes/LeftAndMain_Menu.ss#L13) I have...
Hi there, I am trying to add this to a project of mine and have potentially found a couple of issues. When clicking the `Main table of contents` document created...