hierarchical-document-list copied to clipboard
Two ref errors stopping anything from loading.
Hi there, I am trying to add this to a project of mine and have potentially found a couple of issues.
When clicking the Main table of contents
document created by this plugin on the left pane, it starts to show a spinner to load content then fails and only shows Add items from the list below
with nothing below.
In the console there are 2 errors, one being Warning: forwardRef render functions accept exactly two parameters: props and ref. Did you forget to use the ref parameter?
and the other Warning: Function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?
Adding this schema also adds a folder called Hierarchial tree
, but clicking into this shows a list of untitled pages and clicking on one returns this:
Unknown field found
Encountered a field that is not defined in the schema.
This field is not defined in the schema, which could mean that the field definition has been removed or that someone else has added it to their own local project and have not deployed their changes yet.
It might be myself missing something here as I am new, and if I am can you point me in the right direction please.
All of my Sanity versions are 2.30
so I have made sure it's compatible.
Hope you can advise.
Thanks, Jack
I am having the exact same issue and don't know if I am doing something wrong or what.
Having same issue