Jackie Quach
Jackie Quach
Fixes JIRA ticket xxx ## This PR does the following: - Testing swapping media queries for container queries in FeaturedContent component. ## How has this been tested? ## Accessibility concerns...
Fixes JIRA ticket [DSD-1771](https://newyorkpubliclibrary.atlassian.net/browse/DSD-1771). ## This PR does the following: - Adds the FilterBarPopup component ## How has this been tested? ## Accessibility concerns or updates - ### Checklist: -...
Fixes JIRA ticket [DSD-1799](https://newyorkpubliclibrary.atlassian.net/browse/DSD-1799) ## This PR does the following: - Adds closeOnBlur prop to the render prop function to apply the appropriate prop value to MultiSelect children. - Cleans...
Fixes JIRA ticket [DSD-1791](https://newyorkpubliclibrary.atlassian.net/browse/DSD-1791) The `Select` component is sized to fit the largest option size; if the option exceeds the maxWidth of 255px (~30 characters) then the text is truncated....