QiJun Zhou

Results 19 issues of QiJun Zhou

Hello ,I am reading your talk _Composing Components_ ,I wanna read the code and change it . But i cannot find these code on this topic . Could u provide...

### Version 2.6.11 ### Reproduction link [https://codesandbox.io/s/brave-field-m1quc?file=/src/App.vue](https://codesandbox.io/s/brave-field-m1quc?file=/src/App.vue) ### Steps to reproduce A functional component in script with render. Hello.vue ```vue export default { name:'Hello', functional:true, render(){ return Does hot reload...


## hope submit to chocolate. so many people can install it by choco

比如 ```js roundMax(1.2344, 2) // 1.23 roundMax(1.23446, 3) // 1.234 roundMax(1.2, 3) // 1.2 NOT 1.200 ```
