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Hot relaod does not work in functional component ,How to fix it?

Open jackchoumine opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments



Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

A functional component in script with render. Hello.vue

 export default {
     return <h1>
              Does hot reload with functional:true  in script and render?Noo

The component does not hot reload when I change something in render.

But this does hot reload: Hi.js

export default {
	name: 'Hi',
	functional: true,
	render(h, { props }) {
		const children = [h('h'   props.level, '这是标题'   props.level)]
		return h('div', children)

How to fix it?

What is expected?

I want all components can hot reload.

What is actually happening?

I have to reload page by hand when Hello.vue componet changed.

you can get this repo:

you change Hello.vue . It does not hot reload.

jackchoumine avatar Jan 03 '21 12:01 jackchoumine

Vue's hot-reload API only gets applied to .vue files. Use the first syntax in your example. All Vue components (functional or otherwise) should be in .vue files for maximum compatibility with developer utilities like hot-reload.

You could even use a functional template if you want:

<template functional>
    <component :is="`h${props.level}`">Header {{ props.level }}</component>

export default {
  functional: true,
  props: {
    level: { type: Number, default: 1 }

sirlancelot avatar Jan 08 '21 19:01 sirlancelot

Hi @sirlancelot I'm having a similar issue inside of my app that uses [email protected] and [email protected]. the code's purpose is to change the behavior of the <b-table> component from not allowing selections to allowing them depending upon a mode's state being changed elsewhere on that page.

const conditionalTable = {
  functional: true,
  props: {
    selectMode: {type: String, required: true}
  render(createElement, {children, data, props}){
    const {attrs} = data;
    if (props.selectMode === 'Selected'){
      console.log("selectMode", selectMode);
      return createElement("b-table", data, children);
    else {
      console.log("selectMode", selectMode);
      return createElement("b-table",
          attrs: {
            'no-select-on-click':"" // <--- prevents rows from being selected

With the component being called with

        <--! <logic for data being rendered/> -->

I change the variable currentWriteOp (which lives inside the data function of this page) to the value Selected, the condition-table function is called and i see the classes change to remove no-select-on-click via the dev tools on Firefox 96.0, yet when I click on them I cannot see a change in their coloring (a la selected-variant="warning") meaning they are not being selected.

MJGTwo avatar Jan 19 '22 22:01 MJGTwo