
Results 18 issues of James

## Status Update It only takes a quick glance at this project's commit history to see that things aren't so active here anymore. That's not necessarily a bad thing, since...


Hello! I'm trying to load a compiled Lua bytecode file ([test.luac.zip](https://github.com/ceifa/wasmoon/files/9303204/test.luac.zip)) that was compiled for Panic's Playdate game console. As far as I understand, both the Playdate's Lua implementation and...

I haven't had a chance to properly look at this yet. It seems to be pretty similar to the imagetable format, but it wasn't obvious how each glyph is stored.

help wanted

I am planning on adding more scripts for working with the various formats you can find in a Playdate game: - **pdv converter** - convert gif sequences to and from...

help wanted

According to Dave, this has changed since the docs were written: https://twitter.com/davehayden/status/1498512891867189252

help wanted

I think it's about time I took another pass at this - if anyone has any suggestions to add, please don't hesitate to reach out! - **Improved audio:** - ~~Redo...

https://github.com/ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm Figure out how to build with the stuff I need, should be somewhat faster than the asm.js build

possible solution here, but doesn't seem to resume after switching tabs / closing+reopening in ios safari https://spencer-evans.com/share/github/unmute/