
Results 22 comments of James

The color picker has an `id` option already, which can be used to give it a custom HTML `id="..."` attribute, so you can target a specific color picker in CSS...

For what it's worth, I'm not taking feature requests for this library any longer, here's what I wrote about that in the iro v6 thread: > Unless you're a GitHub...

I'm picky about features generally speaking, because I really don't want this library to get bloated -- anything added means more stuff that *I* end up having to maintain in...

More reference: https://bottosson.github.io/posts/colorpicker/ I'd also like to look into better integration with color libraries like https://github.com/gka/chroma.js/, https://github.com/LeaVerou/color.js, and https://github.com/Evercoder/culori :)

@Myndex HSLuv is indeed very interesting and something I would like to add to iro.js! I think it should be possible to integrate at least as sliders, but it's components...

Just to give an update on the status of the project - it's not abandoned, but can be considered as being on a hiatus for a while. Like many places,...

Hey Lena! Sorry for not checking in here sooner, just wanted to say this is a really cool feature idea and everything looks pretty solid so far. Please let me...

As mentioned at the top of the readme; the project is currently on hiatus until I have the time/money to work on it again. Thanks.

Yeah, looks like there's some weird precision issues when converting between color spaces. iro uses HSV internally, but kelvin temperatures are first converted to RGB before updating the internal HSV...

Hi @Myndex, thanks for the link! Unfortunately I still don't really understand the more abstract color spaces very well, and it looks like matrix transformations would require a lot of...