
Results 8 comments of j4s0n

@nesdnuma It's available [here](https://github.com/j4s0n-c/trowaSoft-VCV/releases/tag/v2.0.4-alpha) on github. We'll submit to the library when the new modules are done and everything is fully tested.

We tried one method that did not work and removed it. I guess a few references are still there. We will implement it when we have time to figure out...

@nesdnuma Thank you for the feedback. This feature is on the list. Check this out for a free alternative until it gets added... https://hexler.net/products/protokol#_ ![protokol_monitor_b](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4063528/78285190-5f109600-74d5-11ea-88e4-c9328ea9aaa9.jpg)

Hey @midiguru, Hope all is well. I'm just going through trying to close all old open issues. Would you say this one is resolved?

@spectromas Please excuse the delayed response. Please have a look at this issue https://github.com/j4s0n-c/trowaSoft-VCV/issues/30 and let me know how you get along.

@spectromas Hope all is well. I'm going through trying to close all these old issues. Did you ever get this figured out?

This can be done already via OSC through Purr-Data. Look for controller patches in your plugins folder under trowaSoft/pd or http://www.geekasaurusrex.net/page/trowaSoft-Sequencer-Modules-for-VCV-Rack.aspx#downloads. Documentation is here https://github.com/j4s0n-c/trowaSoft-VCV/wiki/Open-Sound-Control-(OSC)-Interface. Direct MIDI integration is planned...

@marcusbrutulus did you ever get your controller sorted out? I'd be glad to help get you going. This is exactly what these modules were designed for.