Yang sheng

Results 24 issues of Yang sheng

1. Fix compile error with incompatible types 3. Fix function argument mismatch in README

After I add id_rsa.pub to my profile from web ui, then when I push to repos, I still get the prompt to let me input password as below: ``` bash...

Topic: SSH

Resolves #141 auto set cursorline when ``` vimrc let g:nord_cursor_line_number_background = 1 ``` to reslove [issue141](https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-vim/issues/141) that don't show properly at some point


## 拉取/合并请求描述:(PR description) [ 修复部分情况下通过 menuconfig 配置 stm32 平台 RTC 时钟源仍然会出现 RTC 初次获取时间戳提示未配置的问题 32f103 平台测试通过 涉及到的 issue #4627 ] 以下的内容不应该在提交PR时的message修改,修改下述message,PR会被直接关闭。请在提交PR后,浏览器查看PR并对以下检查项逐项check,没问题后逐条在页面上打钩。 The following content must not be changed in the submitted...


Add support number change mode in STYLE_ALL_BOARD type keyboard. Now It's like as below: ![](https://s3.bmp.ovh/imgs/2022/03/941d806efa2de8aa.jpg)

Add c_button supports custom background colors and remove restrictions on fixed use COLOR_WND_NORMAL color.

When I open vim, i could not see new tabline style, but just see as: [![hlMkvD.png](https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/08/27/hlMkvD.png)](https://imgtu.com/i/hlMkvD) It's strange that I `let g:buffet_always_show_tabline = 0`, but i still could see the...

I like this colorscheme ,it's amazing, but when i see the kernel code, i found a place of maladjustment, first i set tab symbol as **>---** to make a difference...

Modify to display window shadow just when ds no equal to 0.

The project is pretty cool, and I run the example1 with opengles support under an aarch64 board which run ``Linux M3568 4.19.193``. And I use a touch screen, but the...