Ben Joeng (Yang)

Results 8 issues of Ben Joeng (Yang)

The glyphs for the 8 precomposed inverted breve code points below contain the base character, but do not the inverted breve mark. ``` U+0206 LATIN CA­PI­TAL LET­TER E WITH INVERTED...


`uni01CF` (`U+01CF LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CARON`) uses the dotted "I" as its base glyph, when it should use a dotless "I" like the other accented "I"s: ![icaron]( See...


`U+0123 LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA` is rendered with a combining upright comma that overlaps with the base glyph: ![gcedilla]( It should be an inverted comma. See Noto Sans:...


`Ibreve` (`U+012C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH BREVE`) uses a caron as its mark instead of a breve. ![ibreve]( Fix: * Replace mark on `Ibreve` with `breve` glyph


Many Turkic orthographies distinguish between a dotted and dotless "I". These orthographies use `U+0049 LATIN CAPITAL I` to represent the uppercase dotless ⟨I⟩ and `U+0130 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH...


Currently, `gwongzau.js` only generates 文讀. Gwongzau 白讀 readings are also generally predictable from Middle Chinese readings, and so can be added as an option.

When attempting to run `httpwatcher` on Python >=3.10, you get the following error: `AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'` This is because in Python3.10, `MutableMapping` was moved from `collections`...

Sometimes, it's really nice to be able to know how the properties of two codepoints differ. For example, if we at the SAH are trying to recommend using an existing...
