Hi, thanks for the awesome library! I'm moving from WiFiManager and I must say that iotWebConf is simpler to use and much more reliable. I have a question... am I...
Hi all... first of all, thanks a lot for this great hack... it's really awesome! That said, am I the only one experiencing a very slow PT(Z) executions ? even...
Hi all, I'm getting an error compiling latest rev907 on platformIO for TTGO_TDISPLAY: "TFT_eSPI\Processors/TFT_eSPI_ESP32.h:137:18: fatal error: FS.h: No such file or directory" Applying fix for issue 218 does not help....
Select the board labeled "Custom ESP32 Wroom + NiceRF SX1262 (Crystal)" and, if necessary, change the GPIO definitions using templates; eg: {"name":"[150] DevC4 NiceRF","aADDR":60,"oSDA":0,"oSCL":0,"oRST":0,"pBut":4,"led":0,"radio":2,"lNSS":18,"lDIO0":26,"lDIO1":33,"lBUSSY":25,"lRST":23,"lMISO":19,"lMOSI":27,"lSCK":5,"lTCXOV":0.0} for SX1262 radio field must be...
Hi Oleg... I've basically done the same changes as you for IDF v4.0 and it seems to work here... maybe you just forgot to review de defaults ?
Hi , I think that it would be nice to be able to assign a nickname to an owned station... just to be able to search and distinguish them quickly...