
Results 10 issues of ivfit

When you click e.g. #channel, it opens tab, but it doesn't make it active. To fix this, edit client/src/views/tabs.js and at the end of panelAdded function add: `if (panel.isServer() ||...

When toggablePass is false, it assumes password is required. I think password requirement should be separate option, instead of assuming it. Such code in components/startups/Welcome.wue: ``` // If toggling the...

new feature

To open app's page in Huawei AppGallery the following URI should be used: `appmarket://details?id=...` Currently Huawei is part of CHINESE_STORES_PACKAGES_NAMES all using DEFAULT_STORE_URI: `market://details?id=...` https://github.com/Vorlonsoft/AndroidRate/blob/master/library/src/main/java/com/vorlonsoft/android/rate/IntentHelper.java#L78 https://github.com/Vorlonsoft/AndroidRate/blob/master/library/src/main/java/com/vorlonsoft/android/rate/UriHelper.kt#L49

Can you implement all features and concept from https://github.com/MFlisar/GDPRDialog Many thanks.

“Install Chrome extension" banner blocks information and confuses new users. Is there a way to remove it? ![banner](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2339712/85947328-4edc4b80-b94a-11ea-9f0a-caa4ab3f685b.png)

When other user invites you to the conference call, 'X is inviting you to a private call.' is displayed, but there is no 'Join now!' (conference.joinButtonText) button. This worked in...

When the user joins the conference, it displays message "has joined the conference", but without the nick explaining who joined.

needs investigation

It would be nice to have setting to modify root slug from 'docs' to anything else.

I propose disabling has_archive atrribute and creating normal page to be served as docs homepage. It would contain [wedocs] and new shortcode [wedocssearch] to display search box on top.

When providing custom image using "wpseo_opengraph_image" filter: ``` ``` display wrong width and height, i.e. not using the ones from the image provided.

component: opengraph
Yoast: SEO Features
severity: minor