Janusz Kamieński
Janusz Kamieński
I was looking for run with compose and found this issue. `run` spawns a separate container which may be useful when the container won't run before some pre-setup steps are...
Agreed. Just came across an issue with tornado not supporting python 3.10 stuff. I had to pin tornado to 6.1 (in sentry-sdk it is `>=5` which is not supporting python...
I see no backwards incompatible changes that should be documented in this PR.
I have created PR based on the comment above for that issue as we are also facing the problem. Hope it will help.
> It is closed because their suggestion works. Check this repo I created that show common mistakes people will make because of the way they implemented it. https://github.com/AllanOricil/workflow-template-bug Shouldn't [this...