Ivan Kudibal
Ivan Kudibal
This usually means that client that has connected is attempting to talk some protocol other than SSL/TLS - or sometimes that the data has been corrupted somehow (usually due to...
I modified a bit.. the auth option did not send correct Authorization token based header. Without username and empty password, the client used the default "root" and "root" credentials. ```ts...
Release strategy? * a'la telegraf (influxdays) 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2 * rc1, rc2? * announce availability of branch? Release plan: * [ ] Finalize README * [ ] 2022-11: Release write...
this should be addressed by #6056, too
pls, it would be great if we have data and the query to reproduce, before we can go on with this issue
- size of data dir: 260GB - observation: shards having 0 byte files when the error occurs - during the runtime of `influx backup`, the influxdb is under heavy load...
Context, contributes to: https://github.com/influxdata/giraffe/issues/198
https://github.com/influxdata/giraffe/issues/198 items 5 and 6