Ivan Kovnatsky

Results 15 issues of Ivan Kovnatsky

Thanks for your time working on this project! Goal: Do not run the job if the files under `infrastructure/` changed. While somehow it does not work in jobs `if`, it...

Thanks for working on the plugin. I like it. In most cases I don't even bother, plugins works great, no performance impact whatsoever. Though I noticed on huge projects like...

help wanted

Reference: https://github.com/google/go-jsonnet/issues/596.

Would be great to be able to configure shell executor: https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/shell.html

When using `let g:dhall_format=1` and trying to undo a buffer to a previous state it takes lots of `u` pressing to make that happen. Hard to tell but it seems...

battery block always shows a bg color highlight even on full charge, I presume the widget still thinks it's a good state not idle yet. i3status version: 0.20.4 theme: space-villain...


- YubiKey Manager (ykman) version: `5.0.1` - How was it installed?: `nixpkgs` - Operating system and version: `macOS Ventura 13.2.1` - YubiKey model and version: `YubiKey 5C Nano (5.4.3) [OTP+FIDO+CCID]`...

I don't know why but he/she/them tags/tag me in it's issues.