Ivan Leshchenko

Results 6 issues of Ivan Leshchenko

Basically an alternative to https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/68995 implemented in itertools. Approximate usage is described in the original issue.

Currently, it's impossible to use `next_tuple` and similar tuple methods for unit type, even though such an impl could just return empty tuple on each call, without advancing inner iterator.

Tide could store `JoinHandle` of every request it handles, and `await` them when server is shutting down. https://github.com/http-rs/tide/blob/7d0b8484cafbfacf4c3c6859caa83a8c9756202e/src/server.rs#L300-L311 [async-std book](https://book.async.rs/tutorial/clean_shutdown.html)

### Description Adds environment variable propagation and command customization to environment initialization, similar to how it's done in #4490. ### Checklist - [x] Change is backwards compatible. - [x] Code...

status: stale

Hi! It seems that the `randomEncryption` config option for the `swap` partition type just [passes](https://github.com/nix-community/disko/blob/944d338d24a9d043a3f7461c30ee6cfe4f9cca30/lib/types/swap.nix#L64) the configuration value down to NixOS config as-is, but since option's type is `lib.types.bool` it...