Ivan Leshchenko

Results 5 comments of Ivan Leshchenko

> i try create file ems.toml and chmod 777 ems.toml > and run ./ems.toml > > ``` > audiosocket_addr = "" > websocket_addr = "" > > recognition_driver = "google"...

There are a few things that left to be done: 1. I registered the name `helix`, but since I'm not in the org nor I'm an active maintainer I'll transfer...

> Sorry for the delay on this. Is there any way to package for snaps without needing anything "official" or from a maintainer? We're happy to answer questions and such...

> Can you say more about why this would be useful to you? I feel like I'd most often _want_ the compiler error here, because if I'm using `next_tuple` I'm...

Oh, and as for the example use-case - I had an issue with yambar not picking up my `XCURSOR_*` environment variables