Ivan Price
Ivan Price
+1 @ShmuelTreiger may i suggest a context manager if you decide to implement this, eg. ``` with current_user('foobar'): objects.save() ``` we have noted that the client.login(user) in pytest 'works' however,...
Hi there I believe i ran into a variant of this as well, the function `get_current_authenticated_user()` works fine but our tests fail with errors such as: ```` E psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: insert...
@alfonsrv indeed we run a version of the middleware where just after the line: https://github.com/PaesslerAG/django-currentuser/blob/master/django_currentuser/middleware.py#L34 , i.e. once we have the response, we set the user to None. We've not...
ah ok i hadn't found that PR. looking at the test that fails for me it looks like the test is not good, it is asserting the 'current user' after...
puting this here for future use: ``` -- user to be deleted is id XXX delete from favstar where user_id=XXX; delete from key_value where changed_by_fk=XXX; delete from key_value where created_by_fk=XXX;...
confirming we are seeing this too, seems the map needs to be given a refresh/redraw signal or method call or similar
Hi guys, just chiming in with my 2c.. i was indeed required to include `@types/google.maps` in my devDependencies, it seems this is a hard requirement for a new out-of-the-box installation....
oh wow ok that looks cool probably would have used it if it existed at the time we were looking ! we ended up using NgxEditor, (built on ProseMirror) ,...
indeed: https://primevue.org/guides/primeflex/