
Results 249 comments of itsmeow

@Porkechebure Your CUDA driver is not up to date enough to use CUDA Toolkit v10.

Forge mixin is superseded yet again: Looks like it'll get merged soon, so hopefully this can finally happen

icon2base64 doesn't support animated sprites

I believe you all are remembering this, not bacon's system.

@St0rmC4st3r Fixes were added

I think 30 seconds would be fair but 60 is absurd As an AI main I rarely notice murder on the crew monitor until well after the deed is done...

Currently working on this

Tcomms is an engineering area, not a science area. Science almost never deals with tcomms or machinery in general, just upgrading, so the buff doesn't make sense. Assistant armory bonus...

> wait mood affects speed? yes, literally the only thing mood does is affect your move speed

Add the kickflip sound please