On dashboard, we can see Top Domains or Top Blocked Domains which are served by server. There should be option of blocking particular domain from _Top Domain_ list or of...
The CDN / dns servers like cloudflare provide list of their server's IP address as follows. https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4 https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v6 Manually entering these IPs in access list is not efficient as cf...
Rather than editing _config.inc.php_ directly from local machine, provide web based installer script to populate configuration parameters (with _TestConnection_ option) in _config.inc.php_ file. That would be helpful.
v0.8.7 #27 When I presses 'Backup' button from settings, system asks me what to do with backup file. But previously (before March update) I had an option to save .db...
nginx-proxy-manager is a docker based application. Is it possible to develop/mod a standalone version of npm which will not need docker?
Anybody please explain how to remove false positive url from the list?
Changing the previous localhost ip from to This will immediately terminate the browser connection upon timeout which may otherwise keep connected to fetch locally hosted site which generally...
Is it possible to implement RFC 3161 trusted timestamps through the application? _(e.g. http://timestamp.digicert.com )_ That would be useful.