Thank you for noticing the translation error. There are many more such errors. Can you look over the file `values-de/strings.xml` and see what other changes could be made? Then post...
If you don't have the time - don't worry about it at all. If you do have the time, do _NOT_ do it the MR way, since that will cause...
Also affects Ubuntu. **Version:** - Foliate version: 2.6.2 - OS/Distribution and version: Ubuntu 21.04 - Desktop environment: GNOME 3.38.4 - Installation method: Flatpak NOTE: the snap version and the meson...
Tested on Ubuntu 21.04: Running in terminal with: `flatpak run com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate --verbose` the crash happens after: `run_javascript: setStyle({...})`. Yes, it is possibe to change themes if you have the setting...
@przmv Either the bug is more serious, or it's another bug. The Realistic Shadows crash is reproducible on Ubuntu 21.04 with flatpak (Foliate v2.6.3).
@kaia009 This could be a new bug. Try importing after starting Foliate in terminal, to see if there are any errors. `flatpak run com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate` Otherwise you can copy the JSON...
@kaia009 What were the error messages in the terminal window? > When I tried to import annotations, the result was exactly as described in my initial post. 1. flatpak run...
@kaia009 This is not a bug in Ubuntu 21.10, but it seems to be for you.
@kaia009 Here are your options: 1. Install a previous working flatpak Foliate version. [One or two commits previous, not ancient.] 2. If you know how to code, make patches for...
@johnfactotum AppImage ( should be able to do it, for newer versions that have the linux submodule. See discussion [here](