Itamar Turner-Trauring

Results 293 issues of Itamar Turner-Trauring

At, the `alphabet_len` is calculated each time the function is called. This function is called in (what appears to me to be) a hot inner function, `next_state()`. It seems...

`cargo chef prepare` is failing for me because it's looking for a dev dependency it can't find during a Docker build. Since I am going to build in release mode,...



Apparently in old Python iscoroutinefunction could do better (and maybe the `asyncio` variant is better than the `inspect` variant? check.) See

bug sounds like it might make Crochet not break when `multiprocessing` default mode is used.

Python 3.7 has a queue that is re-entrancy safe, so in 3.7 we can omit the additional event loop used for the self-pipe trick. AFAICT there are no backports, though,...

This can lead to dirty reactor warnings. Suggest SynchronousTestCase instead.


1. A thread named MainThread doesn't always exist (see #69, some comments #78). 2. Shutting down when the main thread exits may be the wrong thing to do; perhaps the...

Sometimes Crochet is the wrong thing (e.g. Hendrix might be useful, perhaps in conjunction), or its superiority can be pointed out by comparing to existing alternatives.